About ClearVision Technologies, LLC

Report Card Maker celebrating 27 years of buisness.

ClearVision Technologies opened its doors in September of 1997. But it was a few years before that time when the light bulb went on.

Working as a second grade teacher in Southern California, Lynda Wickstrum, one of ClearVision's three partners, was doing her report cards (by hand of course). Her friend, Dan Friedman, an alien to education, said to her, "You're doing all that by hand? Don't they have some kind of software you can use?" As Lynda picked up her whiteout, she replied: "No, there's nothing out there for elementary teachers." She went on to explain that each school district uses their own report cards which would make it impossible for a software manufacture to make a product that would satisfy everyone.

Well, Dan sat down with Lynda's second grade report card, and made her a simple, crude, featureless, first version of Report Card Maker in HyperCard. Armed with her new (and buggy) software, Lynda did her report cards in record time!

When she returned to school with her report cards, some of her fellow teachers were quite impressed with her professional printouts. They asked if they too could use her "Report Card Maker". She gladly gave them a copy of her HyperCard stack and they put it to very good use.

Report cards went home as usual, but what Lynda didn't expect was the reaction from the parents of her students. They loved it! Another teacher who was using the stack said, "I had parents come up to me and tell me they loved our new, legible report cards." Even the school's principal received favorable comments from parents!

Next time Lynda saw Dan, she told him about the success of their invention and the attention it had received.

Dan called his friend Gary, who at the time was a programmer for the United States Navy working on the Trident Nuclear Submarine Program. Together, the three of them sat down and started to write a well thought out application. Now, armed with a "Real" programmer, ClearVision Technologies was born.

When Lynda showed Report Card Maker to Susan McGill, Director of Curriculum at Capistrano Unified School District, she saw the possibilities right away! McGill signed up for an 8 school pilot program of Report Card Maker. During the year that would follow, Susan McGill and the 200+ educators that used the software gave plenty of real world suggestions. Things that they liked about the software, and things that they didn't like. "I wish it would do this - I wish it would do that". And ClearVision listened!

After 25 years of editing and upgrading Report Card Maker the results are outstanding! Report Card Maker is now a customized program that truly fits the needs of the modern educator. Report Card Maker was molded around real teachers and real needs. Not the way some programmer thought teachers should do report cards.

Today, ClearVision Technologies is dedicated to delivering easy-to-use, quality, customized software that meets the needs of both educators and administrators. It's easy to see how ClearVision Technologies became: "The Standard in Parent/Teacher Communication".

Acclaimed Support

We are known for our superior support. When you contact us, you'll usually get a response within 60 minutes if not immediately.


We pride ourselves on providing a personal level of support with our clients.


Talk to anyone who uses RCM and they'll tell you, our service is outstanding! Top-shelf all the way!


In fact, we dare you to talk to a client of ours. Ask them about our service. Go on, we double dare you!

Our Team Leaders

  • Dan Friedman Chief Executive Officer

    Dan Friedman

    Chief Executive Officer

  • Lynda Wickstrum VP Sales and Marketing

    Lynda Wickstrum

    VP Sales and Marketing

  • Kevin Bergman Internet, server, security and technology specialist

    Kevin Bergman

    Internet, Server, Security and Technology Specialist

  • Chris Curmudgeon Team Moral Officer

    Chris Curmudgeon

    Team Morale Officer