RCM's My Parent Portal feature allows parents to login and view/download their child's report card. If you are using RCM's Gradebook, the parent can also view daily grades posted by the homeroom teacher and any team teachers.
Parent logins can be imported into SIMON (RCM's Administration Tool) or they can be manually edited in SIMON or by the teacher in RCM. Each parent is issued a password. The parent logs into the My Parent Portal website with their eMail address and the password. Once logged in, they will see all of their students in one place. A separate login is not needed for parents that have multiple children.
Each student can have multiple logins. This is great if parents are divorced or if additional users are needed.
When you are ready to release your report cards to the parents, you can publish them all in SIMON or the homeroom teacher can publish just her class in RCM.
Notification eMails can be sent to all parents that their child's report card is ready to be viewed.