Being an independent school with assessment based on a developmental continuum, RCM meets our every need. ClearVision helped us create a customized report card that brought our vision to life. I highly recommend Report Card Maker for any school.

Cynthia Gibbs-Wilborn | Head of School
Hanahau'oli School

Doing report cards electronically was always difficult on our teachers. After moving to Report Card Maker, our teachers have found that the entire process of completing report cards has become much easier and user friendly. It is one change that we have made that they really enjoy and appreciate. Also, ClearVision is the best provider that I work with. Extremely responsive and open to changes to make the product better for our needs.

Keith Wright | Director, Information and Education Systems
Ramona Unified School District

More Testimonials

Thank you for visiting the ClearVision Technologies web site.  We offer some very unique products to help your school or school district with such tasks as customized electronic report cards and student placement.

If you have any questions, please give us a call.  We would love to hear from you.  We believe in low-pressure sales.  This means that just because you call or eMail us with a question, that doesn't mean a salesperson is going to hound you for the rest of your life!

Take some time to look around.  There is lots of information here including customer testimonials, product information as well as demos to download and try out.


No question is to big or to small. Concerned your school might be too small to get RCM? Think your school's report cards are too complicated for RCM? Have a question about licensing, data formats, costs, or something else? Call us!